Tooth ache is both physically and mentally stressful

Root Canal Treatment

Living with pain is not what we want. Visit Chisel Dental for dental relief.

Solutions to complex pain are sometimes really simple. Instant pain relief never experienced better than a rotary root canal.

When the cavity touches the innermost layer of the tooth(pulp) Root Canal Treatment is done to reach the infection and initiate healing.


  • Neglecting an existing small cavity
  • Hidden cavities due to the mal-alignment of teeth
  • Non-replacement of a missing tooth, causing supra eruption and pain in the opposing tooth
  • Gum problems left unattended can spread to the tooth causing severe pain and need for a root canal along with gum therapy
  • Erosions or wearing away of the teeth due to improper bite etc.
  • Trauma resulting in fracture of teeth


  • In this, all the infection from the tooth is removed, all the canals in the root are cleaned (at Chisel Dental with rotary instruments, apex locators and even lasers when indicated) and medicament is placed.
  • The tooth is then sealed and filled, so that no further infection seeps and is fitted with a crown to prevent further leakage and improve its strength and function.
  • Placing a crown helps the tooth to be strong and capable of withstanding the forces.
  • Now-a-days, it is possible to save a badly broken down tooth with a root canal, along with reinforcement using a metal/ fibre post to add strength

Time Taken

Regular root canals along with crowns are usually completed in 2-3 sittings within a week to 10 days time. Cases with swelling or lesions take longer depending on the patient’s healing abilities.

Treatment Charges

Root canal charges vary from Rs2,500 to Rs3,500 depending on the tooth type. Heavily broken down teeth that requires post and core build up may be charged Rs1,500 to Rs2,000 extra. Crown charges vary depending on the quality that can be explored on the crowns and bridges page of our website.


Is root canal painful?
Painless root canal procedure is performed by allowing sufficient time for the numbness to take effect. For the numbness to occur, a local anaesthetic gel followed by local anaesthesia is administered. Moreover; with the rotary machines available today; the procedure is so much faster than doing the same thing with hand filing. And with a laser root canal the success of all types of complexities has become more predictable.

Can a badly broken tooth also be treated with root canal treatment?
Yes, it is possible. In such cases the tooth is reinforced with additional structure called Post and core, which acts as a foundation to withstand chewing forces. The post and core may be of metal or white coloured fibre posts material.

How many sittings are required for a root canal?
That depends on the degree of infection. Usually in 90% of the cases a root-canal treatment along with the crown placement can be completed in 3 appointments. Often within a week’s time. Only in cases of swelling or severe pain or infection the number of sittings may increase.

Why is a crown required after Root canal treatment?
After Root Canal Treatment the tooth tends to become weak and brittle and prone to fracture. That’s why after Root Canal Treatment a crown is very important to protect the tooth and hold it together. Placing a crown helps the tooth to be able to withstand chewing forces and function like a normal tooth. Moreover, it completes the sealing of the tooth, preventing breakage of root canal filling and reinfection.

When is root canal treatment suggested instead of a simple filling?
A filling (restoration) of the tooth is done when the infection is minimal and restricted to the outer layers of the tooth only. On the other hand, a root canal treatment is done when the decay/trauma/wear of the tooth reaches the innermost tooth layer (consisting of nerves, blood vessels), which usually results in severe pain.

What is the significance of saving the tooth by Root canal and capping?
Saving the tooth helps keep the surrounding bone intact and opposing teeth in ideal position thus preserving the adjacent teeth from collateral damage.

What is the success rate of Root Canal Treatment?
Root canal has a success rate of more than 95%, thanks to the advanced materials available to perform the procedures today, such as Apex locators and digital x-rays to ensure accuracy. Rotary instruments and fibre posts with core build up materials help improve the strength of tooth along with CAD-CAM precision crowns that are bonded chemically to the tooth.

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Chisel Dental Clinic provide speciality based dental care in accordance to the dental needs of the patients by our internationally trained team of specialized dentists.


No 18 1st main 1st block Koramangala
Jakkasandra Extension, Near Wipro Park,
Next to Mani Dum Biriyani
Bangalore – 560034

Opening Hours

Wed – Mon: 09:00 AM to 06:00 PM
Tuesday: Closed

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