Let your smile change the world

Tooth Cleaning

Experience an excellent tooth cleaning service at Chisel Dental

Dental Scaling, also called professional teeth cleaning, is a routinely performed procedure for patients with gum disease. Ideally it’s recommended that everyone should get a round of professional teeth cleaning done once every 6-8 months in order to maintain their oral Hygiene and keep bacterial levels low thus preventing diseases of the mouth. It helps in removing soft and hardened food deposits and tartar which cannot be removed by your routine brushing. These deposits weaken your teeth by causing gum recession (pushing of gums away from the teeth).

When To Go For Teeth Cleaning

If you experience the following issues it’s time for you to come down to Chisel Dental Clinic for a round of cleaning:

  • If you haven’t gone for a scaling in the last six months
  • If you have bleeding gums
  • If you experience bad breath
  • If you have a habit of smoking and you notice stains on your teeth.
  • If you notice a band of yellow deposit in-between your teeth and gums causing lowering of your gum line.


This procedure involves careful removal of dental plaque and tartar using an ultrasonic scaler, where the tip of the scalar vibrates(this frequency causes the cleaning action while leaving the tooth structures unaffected) allowing removal of the tartar (the hardened food deposits), displacing bacteria and the cool water spray which comes out of the scalar will flush the toxins from the gum pockets.
After this polishing is done using a polishing paste to smoothen the tooth surface and for fluoride therapy.

Time required

Depending on the amount of stains and deposits present, time taken to complete the procedure will vary. The average time required to complete this procedure is 15- 30 minutes. If deposits are heavy you may require multiple sessions as well as gum treatment such as root planning (deep cleaning) and curettage.


The cost of scaling ranges between Rs.999 to 1500.


Is it a very painful procedure?
Not at all. Some patients experience a little discomfort in the form sensitivity and gum pain, which gets taken care of by application of desensitizing paste and aesthetic gel respectively.

What will happen if I don’t get scaling done regularly?
Soft food deposits when left untouched in inaccessible places like in between teeth and gums become hardened over a period of time causing a band of tartar to form. This will give rise to bad breath, bleeding gums and the gum will start receding down there by weakening the tooth.

Will my teeth become whiter after scaling?
Scaling removes only external stains. For eg. Smoking stains. Your natural teeth colour will be reflected, but in case you want your teeth to be of lighter shade then you can undergo teeth whitening procedure.

Is feeling sensitive right after the procedure normal?
Yes, sensitivity is normal for a couple of days after completing the procedure, it will go away, once the gums grow back on the teeth. Our specialists will prescribe the necessary medication post cleaning to get your gum and tooth health back to normal.

Is polishing a mandatory process post cleaning ?
Polishing is done to smoothen the tooth surface as a smoother surface attracts less deposits/bacteria also polishing paste has a certain amount of fluoride that is good for the remineralisation of the teeth. So polishing is a mandatory process post cleaning though it does nothing to change the colour of the teeth.

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Chisel Dental Clinic provide speciality based dental care in accordance to the dental needs of the patients by our internationally trained team of specialized dentists.


No 18 1st main 1st block Koramangala
Jakkasandra Extension, Near Wipro Park,
Next to Mani Dum Biriyani
Bangalore – 560034

Opening Hours

Wed – Mon: 09:00 AM to 06:00 PM
Tuesday: Closed

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