Get a confident bite!

Tooth Filling

Repair a tooth cavity, and decay in teeth by getting a dental filling at Chisel Dental

Those black spots that you see in a tooth when left unattended is what leads to root canals and extractions. When there is an exaggerated fissure/ black spots/ cavities, dental fillings are used to repair these minor decay so that the function of that missing structure of the tooth is restored back and further deterioration will be stopped. Here at Chisel Dental Clinic we provide tooth coloured fillings.

Do You need Dental Filling?

If you experience the following issues it’s time for you to come down to Chisel Dental Clinic for a regular check-up.

  • A zing of sensitivity on consumption of extreme temperature food, while rinsing mouth or while having that ice cream.
  • Visible black spots on the teeth
  • Food getting stuck in/between the teeth
  • Constant bad breath
  • Receding of gums with wearing away of the teeth at the margins to the gums.


During the regular check-up at Chisel Dental Clinic, Doctor will first assess the cavity by examining it clinically.

After that an x-ray will be taken to assess the depth of the cavity. If the cavity is touching the nerve you will be advised to undergo a root canal treatment. If not, you can proceed ahead with a normal dental filling.

After that it’s just a 5 to 10 mins process to clean the cavity following which the cavity will be filled with tooth coloured material and the bite is checked to bring it back to ideal function. Sometimes a medication is indicated if the decay is closed to the nerve.

Time required

It takes about 15 minutes to fill each cavity. Thus the length of the procedure will depend upon the number of cavities present in your teeth.

Material and Cost of Dental Filling

We offer two types of dental filling, regular white filling, cost ranging between Rs450-750 per filling and a tooth coloured filling cost ranging between Rs750-1000 per filling. Front teeth build ups (direct bonding may cost more)- anywhere from Rs1500-3500.


How long will the filling last?
A box type regular dental filling will last permanently and tends to wear at the same rate as the natural tooth, provided you maintain your oral hygiene and keep up with your regular dental Check-up at our clinic.
Longevity of even small side fillings tends to depend on the occlusal forces, bite patterns and remaining natural tooth support. Hence in some cases where the prognosis is considered unfavourable, a crown/inlay/only is a much preferred option.

Is the procedure painful?
It’s absolutely a pain free procedure as it focuses on removing the dead and decayed portion of the tooth.

How many Appointments are required?
This procedure will be completed in one appointment.

What happens if I don’t get a filling done?
If you don’t get the dental fillings done at the earliest then the teeth decay will progress and reach the nerve. This will lead to more pain and discomfort costing you more time, energy and money as extensive treatment will be needed to restore the function of the teeth like root canals and crowns or tooth removal and dental implants.

Our Services



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Chisel Dental Clinic provide speciality based dental care in accordance to the dental needs of the patients by our internationally trained team of specialized dentists.


No 18 1st main 1st block Koramangala
Jakkasandra Extension, Near Wipro Park,
Next to Mani Dum Biriyani
Bangalore – 560034

Opening Hours

Wed – Mon: 09:00 AM to 06:00 PM
Tuesday: Closed

Appointment Booking

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